How to Have a Boy or a Girl?
Gender selection in North Cyprus for family balancing is a wonderful process that involves many decisions. Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
IVF for Endometriosis: Why You Should Have Hope
IVF (in vitro fertilization) is usually the best treatment plan for patients who struggle with infertility caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis is a gynecological condition of the
How To Get Pregnant With Unexplained Infertility?
Infertility, or the inability to get pregnant after one year of trying to conceive, is a problem that affects approximately 1 in 6 couples at
Having a Baby as a Single Woman
Single motherhood is becoming increasingly popular among Western women. There are many reasons why women pursue parenthood as a single mother including education, career, travelling,
Premature Menopause And Fertility: Is There Hope?
For many people the idea of reaching menopause at the age of 25 may look impossible. But for those who suffer from this rare condition,
How to Treat Male Infertility?
About 15 percent of couples can’t get pregnant with regular, unprotected sex. That equals to nearly 13 out of 100 couples worldwide. There are many
Should I Freeze My Eggs?
An increasing number of women today decide to have a baby later in life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the birth
17 Myths About IVF and Infertility
There are many popular myths about infertility, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and fertility treatments in general. These myths give couples a hard time to make
How Can I Treat Secondary Infertility?
Thousands of couples every year are affected by secondary infertility. You and your partner may be one of them. Perhaps you have experienced no difficulty
What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with IVF in Cyprus?
If you want to have a baby, but are struggling to get pregnant — IVF Cyprus is here to help. Fertility treatments are now more