IVF for Endometriosis: Why You Should Have Hope

Female fertility patient concerned with endometriosis

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is usually the best treatment plan for patients who struggle with infertility caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis is a gynecological condition of the female reproductive system that occurs when endometrial tissue grows in other areas of the body. Endometrium, or the lining of the uterus, is produced each month to support the development of […]

How To Get Pregnant With Unexplained Infertility?

Baby born through IVF in Cyprus in White Blanket

Infertility, or the inability to get pregnant after one year of trying to conceive, is a problem that affects approximately 1 in 6 couples at some stage in their lives. When couples have difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term, they want a diagnosis and a solution to their problem. Unfortunately, sometimes, the causes […]

Premature Menopause And Fertility: Is There Hope?

For many people the idea of reaching menopause at the age of 25 may look impossible. But for those who suffer from this rare condition, premature menopause can actually be way more challenging than just losing your menstrual cycles. Most women who learn they’re prematurely menopausal, find the loss of fertility one of the most […]

How Can I Treat Secondary Infertility?

Bar graphs showing ivf with own eggs/donor eggs cyprus success rates

Thousands of couples every year are affected by secondary infertility. You and your partner may be one of them. Perhaps you have experienced no difficulty conceiving a first or second child, but you are not able to get pregnant again. There’s a common misconception that secondary infertility isn’t that challenging if you already have a […]

PGS or PGD: Which One is Right for You?

Woman in yellow sunglasses with big smile thinking about parenthood

Genetic Screening techniques are the technological advancements that changed in vitro fertilization (IVF). The techniques examine the genetic structure of the embryos and detect a number of abnormalities. When combined with IVF, they decrease the risk of miscarriage and increase the chance of pregnancy success. PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) and PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) Cyprus are […]

How to Improve Egg Quality for IVF Success?

Collage of images showing lemons, fruit, a woman receiving massge and woman near water

Every month your ovaries produce one single egg. The process is known as ovulation. During ovulation, the produced egg will move from the ovaries to the Fallopian tubes. At this point, the egg is fully grown and ready to be fertilized with the sperm. Ovulation is the first requirement for you to get pregnant. The […]